Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Financial fuck myself writing experiment - Part 4


I went through a year and a half of writing absolutely nothing. That shit’s fucked up. I had to unfuck the situation by making threats to financially fuck myself in an attempt to fuck the laziness out of... myself...with a big rusty pole or a splintery post (anyone know what song I'm quoting there?). Each week I set a goal, I will write X amount of pages on a feature, or sitcom, webseries, whatever. If I don’t reach my goal, my wallet takes a vicious raping.
RECAP Of the most recent writing challenge:

Experiment 3 (last CHALLENGE): I had to either write the pilot to my sitcom (22 pages) or a short film and it’s due on April 1, 11:59 PM.  If I lost, I’d have to give my friend a free HQ of weed.
THE RESULT: I WON!!  This was pretty cool, because this sitcom pilot is something I’ve wanted to write for a long time.  I’ve taken quite a few stabs at it and was never happy with what I wrote;  I kept re-starting.  I would often get to about 6 pages, re-read it, hate it, and delete it and start from the beginning. 
 It was nice to finally write it all out, flesh out all the characters, and write in a few teases at where certain storylines and characters would go with future episodes.  It was about 25 pages I wrote.  I think I’m happy with the characters I’ve come up with, and I like to think it’s pretty funny stuff. I perhaps did recycle a few jokes from older scripts, but for the most part all the jokes were new, and just pulled out of my ass while I was writing. I've gotten the script notes today, and I'll re-visit and re-write the script in maybe a week. Here's the blog for financial fuck myself part 3:
My current tally is 2 wins, and 1 loss.
2 BLOGS...
The next deadline will be April 14, 11:59 PM.  I need to write 2 blogs this week.  One of them is one I’ve wanted to write for a long time, but keep procrastinating and that’s my blog about the most over-rated/worst movies of 2012.  The other blog will be about Roger Ebert.  As a huge fan of his, I feel the need to write a blog about him. 
While I didn’t know him personally, nor did we even exchange emails (I think one time he responded to my comment on his blog when I was asking him about a trippy animation he posted on his blog.  I asked him where he found the trippy animation, he dug around a bit and told me where he found it, and since then the Animusic DVD is part of my awesome things to watch while high collection...thanks Ebert!) , the man is arguably the most important, influential, smartest and most respected movie critic of all time.  So much of what I know about movies and even my love of movies is due to Roger Ebert. 
As a film criticism nerd, I do feel the need to write a blog about him.  I won’t make it overly sentimental, as I didn’t know him personally. I don't know if I'll really say much that hasn't already been said, but I'll give it a shot.
So...if I don’t deliver these two blogs by Sunday April 14...
Whoever is reading this blog, if you have paypal, feel free to either leave your paypal address here or email with your paypal address.  If I fail this challenge, I will pick two email addresses and paypal $25 to each one.  How will I decide which 2 email addresses get it?  I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll just Eeny, meeny, miny, moe that shit.  Or maybe I’ll send money to whoever I like better.  Who knows?  But, you have a chance to get $25 due to my laziness, so why not?
Recap of the previous writing challenges:
EXPERIMENT 2 - SHIT GETS EPIC – GOAL WRITES 10 PAGES OF THE EPIC SCRIPT... (a chain script concept between 3 writers, of the script being passed back and forth to each other to do whatever the fuck we want to it). Here's the link to the blog of part 2:
WHAT WAS AT STAKE? A deal with 2 people. $40 on the line for Warren, and a permanent ban on myself to ever try to force my musical taste on Scott again. That means no more showing upto his house and being like, “Yo, this emo band is awesome!! Here’s their cd”
And him being like...SIGH..."okay, I guess I’ll listen to it."
RESULT – I WON, MOTHERFUCKERS! Scott, I’ll burn a CD of The Menzingers next time I see you. They’re fucking awesome! They’re like a punk rock version of the Tragically Hip.
EXPERIMENT 1 – WRITE 30 PAGES OF A FEATURE. I LOST (came up short. I wrote 20 pages), and had to buy a quarter ounce of weed and give it to a friend of mine for free. Here's the link to the original blog:
2 wins
1 loss

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